Pidato tenteng Ujian Nasional berbahasa Inggris
Karnaval Bobokan
Ass. Wr. Wb.
Firstly, I would like to say thanks for giving me a great opportunity to deliver my brief speech. And in this chance, the topic of my speech is cheating in Examination.
Today (4/16/2012) Every high school students throughout Indonesia began to take the National Examination (UN) to Thursday (04/19/2012). There are six exam papers (subjects) that needs to be done. Paper exam (exam papers) that need to be done today is Indonesian, for all programs. Tomorrow's children need to take the exam IPA for English and Physics. If the child can be allotted IPS work in English and Economics. Child language are scheduled to do English and Foreign Language. The next day, both kids science, social studies and language needs earlier with the most dreaded subjects: Math. Days, there is a child of Chemistry and Biology for Science, Sociology and Geography for children IPS, and the child gets Languages and Literature examination papers Anthropology Indonesia.
Well it turns out the UN system is already much changed. Back when I was just three high school exam paper: Indonesian, English, and Mathematics. Now the brothers we need worked six high school exam papers. Know this new cave. And I also know if there are new lessons to children of Anthropology at the high school language program.
Although the subjects tested in the UN is now more and more, the UN is not the only determinant of graduation. UN value only accounts for 60% of the average value of graduation. 40% were determined from the school. According to the Minister of Education and Culture, school graduation present value is determined by four factors. First, students must complete the entire program of education in schools. Second, they must meet the requirements of morals, manners, and manners. Well this is good ni. At least the students are now considered moral. The fourth factor is the next school test scores. This value is determined by the respective schools. The last factor, the UN should be a fairly high average let that determine the final value is also high graduation. Well, the final value is to be accomplished by the students is at least 5.5. Well quite heavy . But if we seek, learn and pray, nothing is impossible.
Well it turns out the UN system is already much changed. Back when I was just three high school exam paper: Indonesian, English, and Mathematics. Now the brothers we need worked six high school exam papers. Know this new cave. And I also know if there are new lessons to children of Anthropology at the high school language program.
Although the subjects tested in the UN is now more and more, the UN is not the only determinant of graduation. UN value only accounts for 60% of the average value of graduation. 40% were determined from the school. According to the Minister of Education and Culture, school graduation present value is determined by four factors. First, students must complete the entire program of education in schools. Second, they must meet the requirements of morals, manners, and manners. Well this is good ni. At least the students are now considered moral. The fourth factor is the next school test scores. This value is determined by the respective schools. The last factor, the UN should be a fairly high average let that determine the final value is also high graduation. Well, the final value is to be accomplished by the students is at least 5.5. Well quite heavy . But if we seek, learn and pray, nothing is impossible.
When I first three high school classes, graduation standard completely determined by the UN. And even then the average must be at least 5.0. So I really scared at first that the UN name. No cave afraid to pass. I am fairly confident I can achieve that much because the average cave effort. Continue to matter because the not real too heavy than usual about the UAS or replicates. But somehow I fear wrote.
Now after five years, I realized that it's scary because the UN UN made bogey. We are too worried when I have to think about things related to the UN. Media themselves use too lebay and serious tone of preaching the graduation requirements. The media also spread the word failure of the UN year after. This mental disturbance of our students. Teachers, the school, parents, all too much worried about her children so that the child was feeling overwhelmed. Consequently, they instead focus on the fear of the UN to achieve it rather than focus on passing the prescribed standard. Finally, they were afraid of not graduating. Schools are also afraid of the embarrassment if any student does not pass. Path was chosen cheating: cheating or sharing cheating-key answers.
Honestly, yes, the 2007 UN ago I also share the same answer in the same room cave friends (even as a friend in another room). Not cheating cave but the cave does give us the answers - while correcting the answer too . Because the UN was the specter, a lot of friends who are not afraid cave pass (including caves), especially those who are not how (you know). They fear that cannot answer most questions UN. So, whether, I felt sorry for them and with sincere (or foolishly) that I write you answer in a small paper and oper cave to cave friends. Cave is not the smartest student in class but can say I really "angel" if the test again. From elementary, junior high through high school I was always so suppliers answer to my friends again occupied the cave when we test, whether the end of semester exams, school exams, even the UN. If daily or weekly repeat KD heck I would love the cheat sheet. Group was to determine the extent to which we understand and learn in school. If the determinant of graduation exams (UN, for example), the cave, it not represents the extent to which we understand what is being taught in school. It was just a symbol of the success of education in Indonesia is from the outside it looks beautiful but dilapidated. The caves also include education corrupt contributor Indonesia since the cave itself ga honest work on the problems the UN. sigh!
Honestly, yes, the 2007 UN ago I also share the same answer in the same room cave friends (even as a friend in another room). Not cheating cave but the cave does give us the answers - while correcting the answer too . Because the UN was the specter, a lot of friends who are not afraid cave pass (including caves), especially those who are not how (you know). They fear that cannot answer most questions UN. So, whether, I felt sorry for them and with sincere (or foolishly) that I write you answer in a small paper and oper cave to cave friends. Cave is not the smartest student in class but can say I really "angel" if the test again. From elementary, junior high through high school I was always so suppliers answer to my friends again occupied the cave when we test, whether the end of semester exams, school exams, even the UN. If daily or weekly repeat KD heck I would love the cheat sheet. Group was to determine the extent to which we understand and learn in school. If the determinant of graduation exams (UN, for example), the cave, it not represents the extent to which we understand what is being taught in school. It was just a symbol of the success of education in Indonesia is from the outside it looks beautiful but dilapidated. The caves also include education corrupt contributor Indonesia since the cave itself ga honest work on the problems the UN. sigh!
When high school principal UN severe cave really honest. For some reason this time I do not have any fear of the supervisor at all. Small paper which contains the answer can so easily move from one hand into the hands of others. In fact it could be moved into the hands in the next room. The trick? Classic. We deal in the toilet. Great is not it? great sin (only God and I know how sin cave.!). The result, the average value of the highest cave UN class at school. The UN SMP cave not jug honest. So once again I reply spreading agent to friends cave. And once again the average value of the highest cave-class examination of the SMP.
Never mind the UN, the UAS also I love cheat - and cheating. Friends who seat near the cave is also sometimes considered lightly because UAS has access to the cave to ask for an answer. Not afraid supervisor. I actually really excited when cheating or cheat you. out cave once again fill a small paper throw answer to a friend who was sitting in front of the cave while I sat in the back and we are different row seat. Cheat sheet of paper fall in the hall between the rows. UAS direct supervisors admonished the cave. Funnily enough, he also says this: Come on, who would dare try took sheet of paper that fell. There is a slightly Ga. But the cave cave giggling on the bench. Good heavens, how unstable and caves curse by God young first time. Now I've converted, O God. Not cave once again when you answer the final exam on campus cave. Try to lost it if you dare to cheat on cheating at the exam hall with dozens like what inspectors pacing around us.
Here, I is not trying to boast how I honestly at school because cheat-time cheating UN and other exams. Cave just wanted to share the experience not wrote honestly when the UN first. Have not so hypocritical, I'm sure every person who ever holds the student has also been cheated. Including those who've become a teacher and his students cheating ban also used to cheating in school, even just once. See which friends I've become a teacher, had been cheating the cave. But do not emulate ya brothers and friends. If I could turn back time I would choose to live honestly in every case the cave, including the time working on exam.
Never mind the UN, the UAS also I love cheat - and cheating. Friends who seat near the cave is also sometimes considered lightly because UAS has access to the cave to ask for an answer. Not afraid supervisor. I actually really excited when cheating or cheat you. out cave once again fill a small paper throw answer to a friend who was sitting in front of the cave while I sat in the back and we are different row seat. Cheat sheet of paper fall in the hall between the rows. UAS direct supervisors admonished the cave. Funnily enough, he also says this: Come on, who would dare try took sheet of paper that fell. There is a slightly Ga. But the cave cave giggling on the bench. Good heavens, how unstable and caves curse by God young first time. Now I've converted, O God. Not cave once again when you answer the final exam on campus cave. Try to lost it if you dare to cheat on cheating at the exam hall with dozens like what inspectors pacing around us.
Here, I is not trying to boast how I honestly at school because cheat-time cheating UN and other exams. Cave just wanted to share the experience not wrote honestly when the UN first. Have not so hypocritical, I'm sure every person who ever holds the student has also been cheated. Including those who've become a teacher and his students cheating ban also used to cheating in school, even just once. See which friends I've become a teacher, had been cheating the cave. But do not emulate ya brothers and friends. If I could turn back time I would choose to live honestly in every case the cave, including the time working on exam.
The point, though honest and dishonest choice, cheating is not good practice. Wherever possible we should be honest as himself and other people working on the exam questions, especially about the UN. UN is not just an evaluation study. UN can also be a determinant of the success of education in Indonesia. If we are honest in the UN ga, meaning that educational achievement of our country is still filled with lies. Alhamdulillah now the UN is not the only determinant of graduation. And Kemendikbud've also tried to keep the honesty of Indonesia can be implemented through the UN. This agrees cave. Hopefully the more advanced education in the future Indonesia, accompanied by the application of pure values and not merely serve as a symbol of sheer intellectual progress. And most important education in Indonesia may reach all citizens, especially those in the class compulsory education and are difficult to access educational facilities. Useless if we claimed to be advanced education but there are still many people who are not educated, especially those living in rural or constrained economic problems.
So, believe in ourselves. And the last "let's do our best to save our nation !" Thank you for your attention.
Ass. Wr Wb.
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